What You Should Do When You Have A Blind Pimple

By Alison Graham

A blind pimple doesn't form a head; instead, it stays beneath the surface of the skin and it has the appearance of a boil. It is usually red in color, contains no pus and may vary in size. The normal trigger of this type of blind boil is overproduction of your skin's natural oil called sebum. This overproduction causes skin pores to get obstructed. The clogged pores attract irritation causing bacteria and this leads to infections, causing discomfort as well as redness. It is necessary to get a treatment for blind pimples to clear them.

Within this sort of pimple there isn't any head to allow pus brought on by the deep seated infection to empty. The very best blind pimple treatment is salicylic acid, which is extremely effective in moving stuck sebum to the skin surface. A wide range of creams and lotions are available that contain this ingredient.

For effective removal of any blind pimple, you have to make it form a head. One method to do this is to use a cotton bud dipped in hot water used against the affected area. Repeat this several times until the boil forms a head. If you are lucky, you may find that this blind pimple treatment removes the blemish totally, without it forming a head. Some natural home remedies can help with this, such as honey, that is known for its antibacterial qualities. Apply a tiny spot of honey to the surface of the skin with a clean finger.

If your pimple does not disappear and will not come to a head, you can assist this process by steaming your face over very hot water as this helps the pores to open. Use a tissue over your fingertips to enable you to firmly press on each side of the blemish without the fear of your fingers slipping. If it will not pop straight away, leave it alone and repeat the procedure the day after. Squeezing blemishes before they are ready can lead to scarring.

As with virtually any problem, it is always better to try to avoid it than to remedy it. In order to prevent this type of blind pimple, you may want to take a look into the possible triggers more carefully. Eating healthily is a very important aspect. You need to substitute those delicious fast food, high fat, refined sugar items with more vegetables, fruits, lean meats, seafood and drink plenty of water. It will not only improve your skin but help you shed some weight and help you feel good too!

Another factor that can help in addition to the treatment ideas outlined above would be to leave your skin free from make-up for at least one day each week. Oil based cosmetics, perfumed soaps as well as harsh hair products can take their toll on skin making it even more irritated. In case your skin is sensitive, it is usually better to stick to unperfumed, gentle, natural products wherever possible.

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