There are some cigar aficionados who spend a significant amount of time arguing over the finer points of cigar smoking etiquette. Questions concerning whether or not to remove the label before smoking a cigar have been argued ad nauseam, and there are still individuals who stand firmly on both sides of the fence. Another question that often comes up for cigar smoking newbies is how to properly hold a cigar. Once again, there isn't just one way and how you hold cigars will depend on what feels best for you.
One of the best ways to choose a quality cigar is by feeling it to make sure there are no tobacco lumps. Take the cigar gently between your thumb and forefinger. Squeeze gently along the length of the cigar. Make sure that you do not squeeze too hard, as this may cause the cigar to tear or break and spill out the tobacco. If the cigar feels smooth all along the length, it is a good cigar. After you purchase your cigar, place it in a humidor box for safe storage. Allow the cigar to age for at least a few weeks before smoking it.
Now you must prepare the cigar for smoking. Remove the cigar from the humidor and place it on a flat surface with the wrapper still on it. Use a single blade cigar cutter to remove the head of the cigar and then remove the wrapper. You can now light the cigar. You can use any type of lighter, but the best type to use is a cigar lighter that will preserve the flavor. Puff a few times and then remove the band from around the cigar.
When lighting a cigar, you'll want to hold it horizontally. Using an odorless lighter, bring the flame to the end of the cigar and turn it until it is uniformly lit. You can blow on the end to ensure that it is well lit and burning consistently. Then, find a comfortable holding position and enjoy the experience.
In time, you will not only know how to properly hold a cigar, you will also know how to judge a cigar based partly on its feel. Hold the cigar using a soft grip and feel it from one end to the other in order to check for consistency. If there are uneven, soft, or hard spots, it will not draw smoothly. As you become an experienced cigar smoker, you will begin to acquire your own unique smoking habits and cigar accessories that will enhance your experience.
One of the best ways to choose a quality cigar is by feeling it to make sure there are no tobacco lumps. Take the cigar gently between your thumb and forefinger. Squeeze gently along the length of the cigar. Make sure that you do not squeeze too hard, as this may cause the cigar to tear or break and spill out the tobacco. If the cigar feels smooth all along the length, it is a good cigar. After you purchase your cigar, place it in a humidor box for safe storage. Allow the cigar to age for at least a few weeks before smoking it.
Now you must prepare the cigar for smoking. Remove the cigar from the humidor and place it on a flat surface with the wrapper still on it. Use a single blade cigar cutter to remove the head of the cigar and then remove the wrapper. You can now light the cigar. You can use any type of lighter, but the best type to use is a cigar lighter that will preserve the flavor. Puff a few times and then remove the band from around the cigar.
When lighting a cigar, you'll want to hold it horizontally. Using an odorless lighter, bring the flame to the end of the cigar and turn it until it is uniformly lit. You can blow on the end to ensure that it is well lit and burning consistently. Then, find a comfortable holding position and enjoy the experience.
In time, you will not only know how to properly hold a cigar, you will also know how to judge a cigar based partly on its feel. Hold the cigar using a soft grip and feel it from one end to the other in order to check for consistency. If there are uneven, soft, or hard spots, it will not draw smoothly. As you become an experienced cigar smoker, you will begin to acquire your own unique smoking habits and cigar accessories that will enhance your experience.
About the Author:
Drew is an online authority on cigar accessories and has expert knowledge of cigar accessories, including discount cigar humidors.