Finding The Right Wiccan Altar Supplies Is Not Too Difficult

By Tamera Keith

When it comes to setting up a sacred space in which to practise Wicca rituals it can be hard for newcomers to know where to begin. The key factor to remember is that you want things to be usable and functional, rather than flamboyant and ornate. Finding the right Wiccan altar supplies comes down to choosing objects which are appropriate and manageable.

Of course, the first thing you need to choose is the object that you are going to use as an altar. There is no need for a huge or flamboyantly exuberant piece of furniture for this. Instead, a simple and strong table which fits into the space that you are using and can hold all the objects you might need.

The best place to start after choosing the altar itself is with symbols for each of the four elements, which are usually assigned to one of the four directions of the compass, east, west north and south. The earth element can be represented by a simple bowl of soil or sand placed on the north of the altar can be used to represent the earth. Other easily obtainable objects can be used for symbolic purposes for each of the other three directions too.

The east is the direction associated with the air, and a stick of incense placed on this part of the shrine is more than adequate. The south is the direction of fire, and a candle or charcoal can be used here. Some kind of bowl or other container which holds water can be used in the west.

Candles are another item which is used in many set ups of this nature. Some pagans use candles to represent the God and Goddess, while other variations include a candle for each of the four directions. If you are planning on using candles, then make sure that you always have some means of lighting to them to hand at all times, otherwise it could be embarrassing.

The athame is the ritual knife which many pagans utilise in rituals, though it is usually a symbolic tool rather than an actual weapon. Keep your athame close to the sacred space that you are using so it is there if you need it. A wand is another object which is often seen at Wiccan altars, being used to direct energy in rituals.

Another object which is always useful to keep by any altars you are setting up is the Book of Shadows. There is little point in keeping it hidden away where it cannot be used. Keep it in a place close to the altar that you will remember, such as a cupboard or drawer.

Finding the right Wiccan altar supplies is therefore not a difficult process, if you known what you are looking for. Keeping your set up functional should always be uppermost in your mind, rather than creating some flamboyant and ornate environment. You need to have enough space to use the objects you have chosen correctly and comfortably.

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