Ooh, That Smell - The Smell Of Added Value In Your House

By Will Schlepinger

People who want to buy your house are doing more than just looking around - they are, in fact, SNIFFING AROUND whether they want to admit it or not. When we live in a house, we tend to get used to the way it smells and don't always notice when something is a little...stinky. However, that would not be the case for a first-time visitor - you'll know it when you hear a snide "YUCK!" in the background or sense them surreptitiously covering their noses. So before you show your house, take a sniff or two, and then take these steps to de-odorize.

Look What Your Pet Dragged In. Ah, nothing more fragrant than a dirty litter box or a pet business stain from way, way back...NOT! Be punctilious when dealing with Kitty Katty's litter box, and when it comes to your carpet besmirched by doggy business, have it cleaned by somebody who knows how to remove pet stains. And since it is common for individuals to be allergic to cats, do not sell your house without giving your furniture and carpet(s) a thorough vacuuming. You may also want to "quarantine" your pet (especially if it is a cat) while your house is still listed for sale. And if you want to add to your roster of pets, that is NOT a good idea - move first, buy later!

De-odorizing Food Smells. Uh, if you're about to fry that fish, then STOP RIGHT THIS INSTANT AND HEAD TO YOUR LOCAL DENNY'S OR WHEREVER! Strong odors from cooking fish hang around and permeate the house. Cabbage, onions and garlic are notorious offenders, too. Toss a few lemon slices in boiling water, or have some lemon peel run through the garbage disposal to keep the air smelling fresh. And, before we forget, CAN SOMEBODY PLEASE TAKE OUT THE KITCHEN TRASH?

Smoking. We all know it's bad for your health, but it's bad for your house too. Smoke gets into the drywall, carpets, furniture, and drapes, and it is very difficult to remove. Lest you want your home to be branded Casa de Cigarillo by Spanish-speaking buyers, give your home a break and step out if you want to light up. If there is no way to get the odor out of your rugs, change 'em immediately. If the weather is fine, let out the evil air by keeping your windows open.

To recapitulate, the above steps will guide you to making sure your house smells as good as it looks! A fresh-smelling, odor-free house is much more appealing than a stinky one, and much more likely to sell at the price you want.

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