NLP and public speaking

By Robert Grayson

Some people can speak in public without any problem at all and it comes naturally to them, others however find such an experience to extremely difficult and it makes them very nervous and anxious. People who suffer from a fear of speaking in public try to avoid doing it if they can but this contributes to their problem and makes the prospect even more of a fear. For a lot of people it is speaking when with friends or with people they have just met but for others it can be an even bigger problem because they might have to speak publically for their job. Where this is the case, a fear of completing their required speaking commitments can jeopardise their job.

NLP can help people to stop feeling the anxiety that they do when they are presented with a public speaking event so that they can speak confidently every time. NLP helps people to overcome the fear but also teaches them how to communicate more effectively through the use of body language, how things are said and what is said.

What NLP does is assesses how people speak in public and identifies any bad habits they have which people don't receive well. The words people actually say account for around five per cent of how they are received. The remaining 95 per cent is made up of how it is said and the person's body language when they are speaking. If a person has body language and speaks in a way which isn't received well, these are constructs. These constructs are replaced by recognised effective techniques known as anchors.

NLP reprograms the way a person delivers a speech and replaces their existing constructs with extremely effective anchors. Once they have these anchors the person knows that their speech will be received as they intend and they are able to take confidence from this.

Another form of Anchoring is remembering positive, comfortable experiences where they felt happy and confident. These moments are programmed into the person using NLP so that they can recall them whenever they need to. When they begin to feel nervous in a performance they can remember the moment and take comfort and confidence from it for as long as they need to until they no longer need to use NLP methods to find confidence.

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