For Those Getting Divorced In Texas, Collaborative Divorce Is A Terrific Alternative

By Nancy Taylor

Your younger sister has made it her business to point out -frequently and rather emphatically over the last two weeks- that your marriage was ill-advised from the start, and maybe she is right. You and your husband had very little in common even when you were dating, and what little there once was shrunk to virtually nothing at all in the years since you got married. It's not that he is a bad man, he's not. In fact, he's a fairly decent man. The problem is simply that you no more afford him what he needs in a partner than he does for you. You were each as foolish as the other to get married when you did.

Now it's time to end things. You told him last night that you were planning to divorce him and that you would be staying with your sister until it was all finally settled. It was something of a scene, but in the end even he admitted that it was probably for the best. In all honesty, you were astonished at how well it went over. It got you thinking that perhaps a collaborative divorce may just be possible after all.

##What is collaborative divorce?

If you're considering a divorce in Texas, collaborative divorce is an alternative method of resolving a divorce without the need for traditional court litigation. With a collaborative divorce both sides retain legal counsel, so that their very own best interests are served, but both sides agree to work at a negotiated settlement.

##Are there lots of Texas collaborative divorce attorneys?

The fact is, collaborative divorce is a growing trend and so many of the divorce lawyers San Antonio law firms employ these days are amply trained in collaborative law.

##What are the benefits of collaborative divorce?

There are a few key benefits, as a matter of fact. Collaborative divorces are, by their collaborative nature, often settled quicker than traditional divorces. As a result of the faster resolution -as well as the elimination of court time- a collaborative divorce is frequently significantly less costly than a traditional divorce.

##How can I know if a Texas collaborative divorce is going to be possible for me?

Both parties certainly need to agree to the process, and the preliminary expectations cannot be too far apart or there is little or no chance of finding a middle ground. Other than that, so long as both sides enter into the process with a genuine desire to reach a settlement there should be no reason you cannot reap the benefits of the collaborative process.

If you are interested in the possibility of pursuing a collaborative divorce and you do not have the name of a good attorney, simply go online and Google "Collaborative family attorney San Antonio TX" in order to find an attorney or law firm capable of helping you.

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