Mahi Mahi And Dolphin: Undersatnding The Difference

By Mark George

Mahi mahi are a large fish frequently located in warm water throughout the globe. They are a popular fish for sport fisherman and also for commercial fishing because of their pleasant taste. Sport fishermen additionally prize them for their size and beauty. They are fun to catch, however they are not big enough to be taxing or exhausting to fight. They also look extremely handsome when mounted. They are approximately 30 to 40 pounds and their color schemes are always spectacularly bright.

Mahi mahi are often described as dolphinfish. This can be quite confusing to some people who fear they may actually be related to dolphins or porpoises. They are also long and narrow, like the dolphin, because both are built for speed in the water. Simply put, mahi mahi are fish; porpoises are mammals that live in the sea. Porpoises breath air, are warm blooded, give birth to live offspring and suckle their young. Fish breath through their gills, are cold blooded, lay eggs, and their young must survive by themselves as soon from the time they are hatch.

Dolphins are smooth, have a solitary dorsal fin and their heads are very sleek, ending in a rather long, slender "beak." You can additionally see the blowhole of a dolphin on the top of its back, when if it is close enough to you. Dolphins weigh a minimum of 90 pounds. The mahi mahi has scales, a long dorsal fin that travels the whole length of its back and its head is rather round and is generally bright is green or blue in color. They are additionally much smaller than dolphins, hardly ever going over 40 pounds.

Dolphins have actually been judged to be one of the smartest mammals on the earth. Unlike most fish, they will often acknowledge the presence of boats in the water and will play a game of tag and also chatter at the human passengers. They appear to delight in swimming in and out of the churned up water that follows fast moving boats or racing ahead of boats in a game of "Catch me if you can." Anyone who has seen or interacted with dolphins in the wild will never ever forget the experience.

Many vacationers head to warm waters of the coastlines of Florida, Texas, Mexico or the Caribbean Islands to fish and enjoy crystal clear waters. Here you will most likely encounter both dolphins and mahi mahi. If you are a fisherman, you will certainly enjoy the challenge of hooking one of these scrumptious, handsome, "strong fish." If you are a person who would rather enjoy photographing beauty and interacting with nature, keep your eyes open for the dolphins, you will be glad you did.

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