Are You Sure You Wish To Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back?

By Erick M Hastings

Your girlfriend broke up with you and now you're hoping to win her back. She might have given you one of a hundred reasons why she broke up with you. Maybe you did something wrong or maybe she's just telling you that she's not that interested in your anymore. No matter what the reason was for why she broke up with you, it is still possible to get her back if that is what you really want.

You might not be thinking about this right now but you need to be secure in your decision to get your ex back. Do you truly love her? Are those feelings based in reality or is it a mixture of being afraid that you're going to lose her and some fondness for her that is making you want to get back together with her? Kick back for a night and really go over everything in your head and be honest with yourself. Do you really love this girl?

For some of us guys it's an ego thing that causes us to want to win back a girlfriend that dumped us. The rejection can be devastating and being dumped makes us feel terrible. The only sure cure for this rejection and the only way to redeem ourselves is to get back together with the one that dumped us. The only way to win when we feel like we've lost is to do our best to get back together with the girl that rejected us.

Think about how things were when you were with your girlfriend. Was everything really all that wonderful? Did you ever have a time when you thought that you would rather be alone than deal with her? Maybe you avoided her phone calls or made up lies to hang out with your buddies rather than be with your girlfriend. Sure, right now you'd give anything to have that time back with her but, when you were with her did you always want to be with her?

Maybe you really are better off without her. Maybe your friends or family are telling you this. While they might just be trying to comfort you there is a very real possibility that they saw something in your ex that you simply couldn't see because you were blinded by love. Are you going to be better off without her or were you really in love with her. That is the question.

If, on the other hand, your ex really was the woman of your dreams and your breakup was caused by something that you did then, by all means, do what you have to do to get her back. If you really do love her and she was close and dear to you then you owe it to yourself to go after what makes you happy. If you love her and want to get her back then that is the direction that you should go in. No matter what has happened or how bad things might look right now, you can get her back if you want. There is no relationship that can't be fixed and you owe it to yourself and your girlfriend to do whatever is necessary to make your dream come true.

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