Hypertrophic Scar Removal: Learn what you can Do

By Martha Fitzharris

The over production of collagen is what leads to hypertrophic scars. This excessive production of collagen leads to a raised scar like a keloid scar. However, hypertrophic scars are limited to the site of the original wound unlike keloid scars.

Hypertrophic scars are more frequent than keloid scars. Since these scars do not tend to grow to very big, they usually fade with time. While this type of scar is not life threatening, most people want to know how to get rid of hypertrophic scars because they can be unsightly.

Healing scars

There are a range of treatments for hypertrophic scars including natural skin care. Prevention is the primary way to deal with hypertrophic scars, but the standard treatments include compression therapy, injections and surgery.

Standard treatments

Compression Therapy for Hypertrophic Scars

Compression therapy involves applying pressure to the scar. Reports have stated that by applying pressure to the scar, there is a reduction in the cohesive mess of collagen fibers. ACE bandages, elastic adhesive bandages, compression wraps, spandex or Lycra bandages are all used for compression treatments.

Treating Hypertrophic Scars with Injections

For a long time, corticosteroid injections have been used as a common treatment to encourage hypertrophic scar healing. Intralesional corticosteroid injections help inhibit the development of scar tissue by reducing collagen synthesis, by altering glucosaminoglycan synthesis, and by inhibiting the production of fibroblast proliferation during wound healing.

Steroid injections are also another form of treatment. It is possible that your doctor will choose to use steroid injections as the only form of treatment for hypertrophic scars. He may also use them in conjunction with other treatments.

Collagen injections and other filler injections may be used in the case of pitted or atrophic scars. However, this treatment is usually temporary.

Removing Hypertrophic Scars with Surgery

Surgery is not usually the first choice for the treatment of hypertrophic scars because any cut will likely produce more scar tissue. However, surgery in conjunction with other treatments such as radiotherapy, corticosteroid and interferon injections has shown positive results. Compression therapy is also a good option when hypertrophic scars are removed surgically.

Natural Treatments for Hypertrophic Scars

Deep massage with a hypertrophic scar cream that contains vitamin E will help soften the skin and make it more elastic. This cream also helps moisturize the scar tissue and keeps it from reopening.

Massages are one of the natural ways to help flatten hypertrophic scars and can be very beneficial in reducing the sensitivity and pain of a healed scar. You should only massage a closed scar, never an unhealed scar.

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