Analyzing and Curing Your Blushing Problem

By Terry Brennan

Blushing is a natural response when we get embarrassed. But if we blush because of anxiety, you should investigate what are the psychological reasons behind it. If you can identify those reasons, you'll be able to minimize unnecessary and non-beneficial blushing.

There are ways to cure excessive blushing. The most invasive and extreme is medication or surgery. However, it is best to try out first the simple ways to cure it. One of the cures is to do meditation. This will help you lose your anxiety and stress and to control your stress. You can join your local yoga group to gain better control of your mind and body. In this way, you can control excessive blushing.

More often than not, excessive blushing is triggered by anxiety, meaning that the cause of the problem is psychological. There are many ways to manage stress and anxiety. Breathing techniques alone are one way to get your mind at ease and control your stress. Yoga and meditation, practices that usually go hand in hand, can also help you calm your mind and correct chemical imbalances that will help give you better control over your body.

Sometimes, blushing or flushing can be a reaction to outside stimuli. Several people can suffer the redness of their cheeks because of alcohol consumption. The elevated temperature of your body will definitely lead to a flushed face. Similarly, spicy foods can send the blood flowing right to your cheeks. If you avoid these two items, you can begin to cut down on the instances where red cheeks appear. By maintaining a stable temperature, whether in hot or cold weather, you can also help to keep that blood flow under control.

Remember that your temper can also affect the color of your cheeks. If you are quick to anger, then you can be sure that the red is plainly on your face. Again, meditation and exercise may be able to help you get this under control. Deep breathing techniques can often clear the color from the face almost immediately, and it will also go a long way toward helping you to relax. By controlling your temper, you can begin to control the excessive blushing that can accompany it.

To cure your excessive blushing, you should meet with your specialist or doctor for them to diagnose your problem. They may suggest medicine or consultations with yoga practitioners or hypnotists depending on what trigger the blushing.

Hypnosis can also be a great cure for facial redness especially if it's due to psychological reasons. You can also get reprogramming through hypnosis to treat your anger management problems. The long lasting changes to the subconscious through hypnosis can completely eliminate your facial redness problem.

If you're not sure on what triggers your unwanted blushing, a journal could prove helpful. For each instance you blush, write down what had just happened to you. After a number of incidents, you can see a pattern and can have a good idea of whether it is due to outside stimuli or anxiety-inducing situations. If this does not work, you should seek medical help immediately.

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