Yoga's Eight Fold Path to Enlightenment

By Alexandra Williams

What goes on in the body when you are doing your asanas? Most of us realize that yoga increases and maintains flexibility, strengthens muscles and increases one's stamina. All forms of yoga invite the participant to attend to their breath and notice the inward quieting. Most individuals who participate sense a uniqueness in this movement form. Many of us are satisfied with just sensing this, leaving an explanation of how it affects our bodies and spirit to the realm of the mystical.

The first fold, Yama, advises students to engage with the world from a moral standpoint, and is actually broken down into five distinct elements. The first element, Ahimsa, teaches the student to respect the world around him.

Yoga causes the central nervous system to respond with appropriate self-regulatory measures by promoting proper bio- mechanical use.Self-regulation and self-healing are the physiological responses of the living body. The central nervous system takes the input from the proprioceptive nerve endings and by relaxing and tightening muscles in an organized fashion allows one to hold that posture. Changing balance of any one portion of the spine requires compensatory adjustments throughout it. Muscles respond automatically to stimuli from the nervous system which controls and integrates the activity of the whole body.

Niyama, or the second fold, is considered the path of self restraint and consists of three distinct elements. Shaugh, the first element, teaches students to keep the body and mind clean and pure. Santosh, the second element, teaches the student to be happy and contented with the task at hand and to give an honest effort in all endeavors. Tapa, the third element, suggests that certain pleasures must be given up in order to attain one's goals.

Asana is the third of the eight fold path, and it is concerned with physical training and building stamina. Asana is made up of 84 yoga poses, which are focused on developing strength, increasing health, and preparing for meditation.

Familiarize yourself with the various Yoga styles to have a better understanding of the classes that are offered in the Yoga schools near you. You need to be able to choose the correct Yoga style which will match your practice goals and your level of physical fitness.

Simply, motion is life! By moving us through bio-mechanically sound postures, yoga promotes a healthier life. To say that yoga only affects us physically would be denying the larger reality of our existence. However, it is the profound effect that it has on our physicality which frees us to experience the depths of our existence.

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