Effective Herbal Acne Cures

By Ailene Cano

Are you experiencing severe acne but is not in favor of using the commercially prepared solutions available in the market? Then let's look for herbal acne cures and see how effective they can be.

For many years, many pharmaceutical and beauty companies have been providing and developing cures for acne. This ranges from ointments, topical creams, facial wash, and even oral medications for severe conditions. But due to the known risks and possible side effects of these products to the body and the environment, many individuals now prefer a more natural means.

Some of the well known herbal remedies are: burdock, tea tree oil, yellow dock, dandelion root, lavender, Oregon grape, licorice root, red clover, olive leaf extract, milk thisle, Echinacea, green tea, vitex, aloe vera, and sarsaparilla.

Burdock roots help purify the blood and stimulate the liver, and has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Dandelion root promotes clear skin. It is an excellent source for vitamins A, B, C, D, and some other trace elements. It is known as a liver tonic, and accelerates toxin elimination in the body. Use Lavender oil to prevent acne. It possess analgesic properties that helps reduce redness and pain due to inflamed skin, plus it has anti-viral and antibacterial properties too. Dilute this though with grape seed oil prior to skin application. Licorice root has anti-inflammatory properties that helps soothe the skin and lessens the production of skin irritants. Red clover is widely used for ages in treating conditions like eczema and psoriasis, and is a powerful blood cleanser that helps decrease acne breakouts. Oregon grape protects the liver effectively. Yellow dock also helps purify the blood, as well as stimulates the bile and gallbladder. Echinacea has antibacterial properties. Vitex and sarsaparilla helps in balancing the hormones.

In addition to the herbs above, Tea tree oil contains terpenoids, a naturally-occurring compound with antiseptic, anti fungal and anti-inflammatory properties. Green tea contains polyphenols, a group of powerful antioxidants that helps in neutralizing free-radicals and toxins that damages the skin. Aloe vera is a great moisturizer that helps accelerate healing of acne and scars, add to that its antiseptic properties that fights microbes to eliminate infections. Olive leaf extracts Olive leaf extracts has good anti-oxidative properties that helps eliminate harmful toxins. It also aids in regulating hormones. Olive leaf extract also has very powerful anti-bacterial, antiviral and anti fungal properties and when used topically is extraordinarily effective in eradicating acne bacteria.

Just as any kind of medication, may be more effective to one person and may not be to another. You can check out which one will work best for you. And when used right, these herbal preparations will prove to be beneficial acne cures.

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