With Regards To Saving Gas You Will Like The Robinson Engine Head

By Robby S. Attaway

There was a test carried out by the US Government that you probably have never heard about. There is a product called the Robinson Engine Head, named after its developer Joel Robinson, that was tested to deliver 48% more miles per gallon, and at the same time, give a 30% reduction in the emissions of carbon dioxide. Motorists receive three benefits by having a car with the Robinson Engine Head. Aside from the 48% more mileage, and reduction in emissions, it takes the 2 liter engine, and increases the horsepower to that of an engine with 3 liters. No engine modification, within the last 60 years, has improved more than 1% in miles per gallon, until now, so don't buy a new car without one of these engines.

The actual Robinson Engine Head takes a totally different approach inside their modification of the standard engine head. Generally, it will take a bigger engine to get additional horsepower, and as you must already know the bigger the engine, the more fuel that you'll end up using. Robinson concluded, by way of measuring the consumption of horsepower at 77 units for every single 100 units of fuel, just 23 units of horsepower were remaining at the wheels. This particular engine head brings a lowering of 11 units of horsepower. This increase provides you with 34 units of fuel getting used for the power of the vehicle, as opposed to the 23. Due to this you are going to realize that you'll be reducing the pollution your car creates and you'll be getting better gas mileage.

Platinum 22, the actual company founded by Robinson, has not yet started the manufacturing of the Robinson Engine Head, but their after-market, Platinum 22 Gas Saver, that is guaranteed to increase gas mileage by 22%, is available. You are able to actually get more than a 22% boost in your gas mileage in accordance with research done by the government. What happens together with the Gas Saver, is that it adds platinum vapors to the air and fuel entering the engine, with a easy connection to a vacuum line. What the platinum does is allow fuels that are non-burning, to have the ability to burn, and that's what Gas Saver does. The fuel within the engine goes from burning 68% of each gallon, up to 90% as a result of the platinum in Gas Saver.

As you can end up burning more of the fuel you use, you obtain better gas mileage and you end up generating less pollution. This actually suggests that you will have the ability to drive further using the same amount of gas. You'll also realize that this product will not only increase the octane level within your fuel but it will additionally end up cleaning out the carbon from your engine.

Due to the research the government did more than 500 thousand units had been sold of the "Gas Saver" Most folks buy it, as it cleans out the engine, increasing its life.

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