mononucleosis symptom

By Rickey Henolap

Mononucleosis is an illness that is caused by the Epstein - Barr virus (EBV). A symptom of Mononucleosis is severe fatigue. A headache often accompanies the tiredness. A strong symptom of mononucleosis is a severe sore throat which is often thought to be strep throat. But the illness mimics the flu with fever, chills and muscle aches.

Another treatment for mono kissing disease includes refraining from sex. Abstinence minimizes your chances of contracting this and other contagious diseases from another person. Mono kissing disease is contracted through the exchange of bodily fluids such as: mucus and saliva. As well, mononucleosis is nicknamed ''Mono Kissing Disease!

The confusing factor about the disease is the nature of the symptoms of mononucleosis that very much resemble those of a common flu. During the first few days the symptoms of mononucleosis will include persistent fatigue, severe headache, dizziness, loss of appetite, fever and muscle pains. In the beginning most people would be sure they are dealing with a flu. However, if those conditions persist for more than ten days, one is likely to be facing the symptoms of mononucleosis.

If not treated with antibiotics, the mononucleosis symptom most often associated with mononucleosis, bodily fatigue, will invade other bodily functions and could even cause death. The disease known as mononucleosis is an attack by a herpes virus. The invading organism attacks red blood cells. As more and more red blood cells are attacked, the body makes more white blood cells to fight the invading virus.

The kissing disease mono can be prevented by getting a vaccination. Once you have been given the vaccination you will develop a resistance making it next to impossible to get a bout of it. Another sure way not to get the very infectious disease is to avoid undo contact while the disease is active.

There is one drug that you do not want to use as one of the mononucleosis treatments. That drug is amoxicillin. It has been shown that the majority of the people, who take this drug as one of their mononucleosis treatments, have gotten some sort of rash because of the mono. The medication Cortisone is given if your tonsils are beginning to swell as one of the mononucleosis treatments. These are the things that you should look into when you are trying to get treated for mononucleosis. Once you have gotten better, then the things that you used to normally do, will not be as tiring as they once were

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