Your Prosperity Sunrise - A Wealth Meditation For Women

By Alexandra Williams

Yoga is developing as a part of life. It is a way that you can integrate body poses and breathing exercises with added meditation to give a peace of mind to have peace with the world.

Meditation comes from intense concentration, where the individual focuses so thoroughly on a single object that he or she thinks of nothing besides his or her awareness of that object (Some religions may find that their idea of prayer could fall under this definition). Yoga will take things a little bit further by making meditation the highest point of the Eight Limbs of Yoga.

This prosperity sunrise is a shamanic healing meditation designed to bring you closer to the aspects of wealth and power inherent in the symbolism of the sun; it is easy to do and quite wonderful.

If you are of a mind, you could put on some suitable music and move or dance this meditation - this will give you 360' of physical movement which strengthens the experience and makes it far more profound than if it is entirely autogenic.

So in a moment, close your eyes and find yourself on a wide, sweeping plane, cool and dark it is still but there is a banding on the far horizon that tells you the sun is about to rise.This is YOUR personal prosperity sunrise.

Meditation really isn't easy though. Clearing the mind of extraneous thought is difficult, and all thought even more so. Learning how to do meditation will take some time and hard work.

You will want to sit somewhere with your back and head straight, to start out. You will find that you will want to learn some basic breathing exercises first to help you. You will then want to close your eyes, breathe in through your noses and exhale through your mouth. You will want to focus on your breath.

Turn around slowly on the spot and bathe in this blessing of wealth and brilliant power.When you are filled to overflowing and beyond, return and ...

Remember that it is crucial both to perform the meditation session and to observe the results, in order to get close to experiencing the supreme synchronization between the body and the spirit.

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