Natural Recipes For Beautiful Hair

By Alex Greenwood

If you want to get more natural with you haircare products consider making your own. It's easy to do, has no harsh chemicals and is a lot cheaper. Just like commercial products, homemade haircare products come in all types with all sorts of different ingredients.

Did you know that you can make many all-natural hair care products right in your own kitchen with just a few ingredients that are widely available. Well you can. Here are several hair care recipes that are easy and economical to make, and it's kind of cool to go green and look great at the same time!

Citrus Hair Spray for Fine Hair

Ingredients: 1 chopped up lemon or orange - 1 1/2 cups of water - 1 oz. bay rum (this preserves the mixture)

In a double boiler, boil chopped lemon and water. Simmer, add bay rum and reduce the liquid to about half, strain through a sieve and pour into a spray bottle. You can thin it out with more water if you wish. This is so gentle you can use it on children, and it works well naturally . Make it often and keep it in the fridge.

Treatment for Chlorine Damaged Hair

Ingredients:1 Egg - 1 tblsp. of extra virgin olive oil - 1/4 of a peeled cucumber

Put egg, cucumber and olive oil in a bowl and mix thoroughly until it reaches a consistency that's spreadable. Massage it into your hair and leave on for 10 to 15 minutes, then rinse. If you're in the pool all year round, you should repeat these applications monthly.

Rinse for Shiny Glossy Hair

Ingredients: 1 oz. wine vinegar - 6 oz. bottled water - 10 to 12 drops of essential oils (jasmine, lavender, rosemary)

When you finish shampooing and rinsing with water, rinse once again with this mixture and massage into scalp. Rinse lightly with cool water as many as three times a week and you'll find your hair shinier and healthier. It's the vinegar in this mixture that helps restore the PH balance of your scalp.

Frizzy Hair Conditioner

Ingredients: 4 tblsp. of plain yogurt - 1 egg

After you shampoo, massage a mixture of egg and yogurt into your scalp. Work it from root to tips and make sure you have everything coated. Leave on for 5 to 10 minutes and rinse out with lots of cool (if possible) water. This will soften your hair to the touch and prevent frizziness.

Rejuvenating Hair Brush Treatment

Ingredients: 1 oz. oil of Rosemary - 1/8 oz. oil of Lavender

All you have to do is mix the two oils together and store them in a small dark vial for use when you brush your hair. Put a few drops on the palm of your hand and rub your clean hairbrush into it. It's not just a wives tale about brushing 100 strokes for beautiful hair, it's true. Brushing helps distribute the oils in your scalp throughout your hair, making it glossy and shiny. Brush your hair upside down to cut down on split ends and run your hand over your hair each time you brush to get rid of static electricity. This mixture should last about a month.

Dry Hair Moisturizing Shampoo

Ingredients: 1 cup of Liquid Castile soap (or baby shampoo) - 1 cup of mashed avocado

This is a mild shampoo that you can use as regular shampoo as often as you like. Just mix the avocado and soap together and massage into your scalp, you can then add a bit of water and work into a lather. The avocado has lots of vitamins and nutrients that will moisturize and strengthen your hair

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