Know Some Pilates Exercises for Several Muscles

By Ashley Hope

Pilates is a variety of workout that can increase your strength and flexibility while also helping you reduce weight. You can get this type of workout by joining a gym that boasts Pilates courses, using an exercise video, or just doing a few moves on your own. Fortunately, most Pilates exercises do not use equipment. All they require is some awareness of the moves. Consider a few effective movements that can tone different parts of your body.

If you wish to tone your abdominals, there are a few movements that can do the task. The roll-up starts off with you lying on your back, using an exercise mat for support. Put your arms over your head to start the workout, and then start bringing them to your chest. As they pass over your head, put your chin to your chest and begin curling your torso upward. As you come up, you should squeeze your abs. Do not stop until you can reach your feet.

Keep your legs straight throughout the exercise, and do not let momentum roll you up, as the point is to work out your abs. To finish the exercise, let yourself roll back slowly, one vertebrae at a time, until your back is flat on the ground. Complete up to ten of these Pilates exercises in a workout routine.

Another movement that works out the abs is the plank position, though this one also works out the arms, legs, and shoulders. It is among the most well-known Pilates exercises. Start off in the pushup position, with your palms on the floor and toes touching the floor, as well. Keep your legs pressed together, and flex your abdominals and buttocks. Hold the pose, with your muscles flexed, for 30 seconds. Release, relaxing your body for a few seconds on your hands and knees, and then get back into the pose. Do this at least three times in your workout.

The saw stretches your back, hamstrings, and oblique abdominals, and also improves the strength in these sections. Begin by sitting up erect, with your legs in front of you, shoulder-width apart. Extend your hands to the side, at shoulder-height. Twist your trunk toward the right, reaching out with your left hand to grab your right foot. Try to tap your toes, and then return to the original position. Do this move on the left side. Do this exercise three times for each side.

These are just a few Pilates exercises that beginners can attempt to commence strengthening and toning their muscles. Increasing muscle is a good way to burn more calories, which is why doing Pilates exercises usually leads to weight loss. Combine Pilates with cardio and weightlifting a couple times per week to get a well rounded workout.

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