Hints for Parents Who Are Shopping For Baby Pushchairs

By Dexter Rose

Don't rely on just anybody to sell you onto the best baby pushchair, instead follow a proven process to pick one. Safety is always our main concern but you need to take the feel of the materials and the smoothness of the ride into consideration too. The bad news is that most of the pushchairs (also called strollers) on the market today meet these criteria. You can erase the image of the pushchair you rode in because they don't exist anymore.

When it's time to choose a baby pushchair or stroller, remember that the type of wheels on it are important. You can have fixed or swivel wheels. Strollers with fixed wheels are usually cheaper but they are harder to maneuver than the pushchairs with swivel wheels. The wheels can be compared to those on the carts in grocery stores. Think about how you'd move around if those wheels didn't swivel. Do you think you'd be able to steer the cart very easily? Strollers and pushchairs have the same principle behind steering and control. Where possible, you should consider choosing one that offers you maximum maneuverability.

Ask other parents that you know. Finding out what other people have purchased for their kids can show you a lot about strollers and give you an idea of what you may or may not want. While you are talking to them, find out why exactly they chose the stroller they did, and what other ones they considered. Ask them why they decided against other models. If you are considering a specific type of stroller or pushchair, ask your friends if they know of anybody who has used it and what the verdict on it was. Other parents can be gold mines of information! Before you make a final decision, be sure that their aren't any reported issues with the pushchair's brakes. I can't say this enough, faulty brakes can be a life or death decision that is in your hands. It may seem unlikely, but there have been reports of a pushchair having a faulty braking system which unlocked and cause a stroller to roll down and incline or get blown into the street by heavy winds. Also, it will save you a lot of headache if you can get a braking system that can be easily locked and unlocked. If the brakes are a headache to use then you won't want to use them. You are going to be using the braking system a lot so give them a quick test before you purchase.

Newborns sleep a lot, so you may want to consider getting a pushchair that accommodates this. Getting a pushchair that is a bassinet on wheels is an option. This might seem cumbersome, but if your infant is not yet ready for sitting up, and you find yourself needing to travel during naptimes, this type of stroller and pushchair can be a life saver. You might even consider simply letting your infant sleep in it during the day for naptimes-that way you can move him or her around as you need to without having to worry about the transition from sleeping area to pushchair waking your little one up!

If you will be walking a lot you have still another set of needs. It is very important to know where you are going to go with your pushchair before you make a final buying decision. A lot of walking can cause a lot of stress to a pushchair's frame, therefore, you want one that is reinforced if you are the walking type. Traveling in a car is seems more convenient but you will become frustrated if you didn't choose a pushchair that folds and unfolds, quickly and easily. On public transportation, you need one you can be quickly fold and doesn't take up a large amount of space. There are a lot of different criteria that you can use when you are deciding which of the baby pushchairs you truly wish to buy. Take some time to research your options before you head out to buy or you could find you're spending more money than you really need to. Consider the available options carefully and work out which ones will suit you. Are all those features and extras really necessary? How many of them will you really use? By answering these questions, you'll find it much easier to pick out the best baby pushchair to suit you.

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