Spinal Decompression Chiropractor In San Diego Reveals Common Cause Of Back Pain

By Dr. Michael Pritsker, DC

Lower back pain and backaches are often considered as common as the common cold. We are bound to experience these sorts of pains at one point in our life, so it's not really regarded to as a serious matter. But that doesn't mean that it should remain this way. Pain is a consistent and constant part of our lives as human beings. After all, our bodies are vulnerable to all sorts of injuries and ailments.

If the pain in your lower back or backache you are experiencing is something that has been going on for days and you find it difficult to walk or make any form of movements as this causes immediate pain to your back, this could be the sign of a disc injury. There are a lot of reasons why you could be experiencing lower back pain and one of these causes are disc injuries.

Whenever someone mentions "disc injury" many people often assume that it is an incident or case of slipped or herniated disc, but there are actually other forms of disc injuries other than this. Age is considered a major factor when it comes to disc injuries as this normally occurs to people way beyond their 40's or 50's. However, disc injuries can also occur with the younger generation.

Disc tears are one of the disc injuries that occur with aging. Disc tears occur when the outer part of the disc develop small tears. Since disc tears come with aging, it is something that all of us cannot avoid. However, there are many instances when disc tears do not cause pain at all. Lower back pain caused by disc tears happen to only a number of individuals and there are no concrete studies to say why only certain people experience pain due to this disc injury.

An effective treatment for disk injuries is spine decompression therapy. The chiropractors in San Diego at New Century Spine Centers are some of the top doctors treating disk injuries utilizing spine decompression therapy. This is a form of treatment that anyone with back ache should consider.

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