A Solution for the PS3 Yellow Light of Death - My Review

By Phil Kent-Smith

I appreciate you taking time to read my Review of the PS3 Yellow Light of Death. After a lot of research on my part, I have found the best Solution to be the PS3 Lights Fix.

The PS3 Yellow Light of Death fault can be caused by many things. What often happens is the unit can get too hot, causing the Motherboard within the PlayStation Console to warp. This then can make solder joints become loose or break. When power is turned off, the Console will cool. When turned on again it naturally re-heats, causing the joints to break. This can then lead to a Hardware Breakdown, causing the dreaded PS3 YLOD.

When entering a search into Google for the YLOD fix or similar, it can be impossible deciding where to start as there are so many so called fixes available. It was my intent therefore, to find the best solution available, and one that came with clear Instruction, a guarantee, and one that was able to repair other fixes for the PS3 if needed such as the Blinking red Light, Green Screen, Red Screen, Black Screen and other error codes etc. This was because from a Gamers point of view it would be no good having just one fix for one error or problem, so then having to search or purchase a different one each time. This is what brought me to writing this Review now in being that I have done the hard work for you, and discovered that the Fix that wins hands-down is the PS3 Lights Fix.

I highly recommend the PS3 Lights Fix as the solution to the PS3 YLOD. To start with, it has been made with Professional, Step-by-Step Video Instruction, making it very easy to follow. I am sure that you would agree with me that its easier to follow Video Instruction than only reading a Manual.

There is a Clear, Detailed Instruction Manual, which comes with excellent pictures throughout, to go along with the Videos. The entire Module can be Downloaded, which means you can order it and be playing your PS3 again the same day! There is also a 60 day, money-back guarantee.

As my Reviews are always unbiased, in recommending a solution for the PS3 YLOD, it is only fair that I will say what I feel are the down points; The repair says that it's possible to be playing again within an hour. This is probably a bit too hopeful as realistically it would be down to the type of fault you had. I feel as well that repairing this would be new to most, and so 2-3 hours would be probably closer to the mark. In doing a home repair yourself on a Game Console, there is naturally going to be worry etc, but if the Console has no warranty left then the best and most practical solution to save you time and money is the PS3 Lights Fix.

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