Secrets to Keeping Your Floorboards Clean

By Rebecca Moroney

Floorboards can be an attractive addition to any home, adding an air of luxury, detail, craftsmanship and comfort to rooms and hallways. They're extremely popular and have been in Australian family homes for decades. Floorboards come in a number of patterns and woods, and as such require particular care from the people using them most.

Polished and unpolished floorboards are easy to keep clean in between professional treatments if they are looked after properly and cleaned frequently. Floorboards require as much care as surfaces in your bathroom, kitchen or bedrooms. They tend to take more of the "wear and tear" due to being a floor surface. But the apparent hard work can be taken out of floorboard maintenance if you make an effort to do it frequently or enlist help from other people in the home. Floorboards require as much care as surfaces in your bathroom, kitchen or bedrooms. They tend to take more of the "wear and tear" due to being a floor surface. But the apparent hard work can be taken out of floorboard maintenance if you make an effort to do it frequently or enlist help from other people in the home.

Take some of the following simple steps to look after your floorboards, and even share them with friends. See the bottom of this article for information about calling in professional services to add an extra level of treatment to the cleaning process. You can also see other articles about floor cleaning at the Value Cleaning services website.

- A covered surface is a safe surface: In general, you can minimize the damage potential to polished boards by laying down runner carpet, mats or rugs.

- Lift, don't drag: Lift and shift any furniture you wish to move around.

- Get Obstacles Out of the Way: Clear away large items (food scraps, toys, litter) as soon as you spot them

- Use a soft-bristled broom: Twice a week, use a soft brush/broom to remove surface dust, dirt and grit. Anything sharp-edged will scratch the floorboards.

- Avoid scratches from the vacuum: As with brooms, vacuums on hard settings can scratch floors. When vacuuming, ensure you have the brush or pads lowered on the head.

- Act quickly on spills: Clean up any liquid spills or mess straight away with a damp rag or cloth, as the floorboards can absorb them easily (especially unpolished boards) and stain badly.

- Restore the shine: A simple mix of one part methylated spirits to two parts water can help restore the appearance of polished boards, while sanding followed by treating works best for unpolished boards.

- Get some help: If you spot cracks, scratches or holes, contact professionals who can advise you on the best action to take for repairs or replacement.

These are just some basic measures you can take on board, and there are dozens more out there. Maintaining clean floorboards on your own means less heavy duty work or time needed for professional cleaners when you call on them (which then means you save money). So a little bit of work can go a long long way. But of course it never hurts to splash out now and then on expert service...

To give your boards a treat, contact Value Cleaning Services. We'll treat your floorboards to a thorough clean, and get them back to a sparkling condition. We offer competitive rates and experienced service. We not only specialise in floor cleaning work but also wall cleaning, tile cleaning and professional cleans of other parts of the home. Why not contact us now and find out how we can help you.

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