A Night Out With My Son Teaches Me Something New

By Tracie A. Reiber

There aren't a lot of things I would gladly stand in long lines waiting for, and after my last time of doing it I realized I could find a better way to shop. My son and I waited in line for over 7 hours. The cutting edge TV that we had our sites on made it all worth the wait. Before we could get a chance to get what we were after, they were sold out. We both experienced a slight bit of defeat on our way back to the house. It was a pretty rad father and son time but there definitely were more relaxing things that we could have been doing. When we were in line I kept eavesdropping on the people behind us talking about how they should have used their Newegg coupons. I had to search for it on my laptop later when I got back to my home to find out what they were talking about.

The TV that we were waiting in line for was looking right back at me from the homepage on the site. I couldn't help but laugh out loud. I could have done all of my shopping right here in my chair. I could get more than the TV at this site. For the next 45 minutes I sat there and browsed through the different deals.

I ended up ordering the TV that we were after in the first place. I also thought that it would be a good idea to get my wife a new camera. There was a wireless toy helicopter that I decided would be a cool random gift for my son. They both spent a lot of time out in the backyard playing and I could just see the two of them having fun with the new toy.

The wife really liked the new camera. She had been talking about the idea of getting one for awhile. Every time she wanted to go to the store to look for one, I would be too exhausted to go with her. Monday through Friday I pretty much stick to a structured routine. Next thing I know it's time to go to sleep and repeat the workday all over again. In order for us to get the camera my wife wanted we would have needed to drive out of town nearly 30 miles away. By the time the weekend arrived, we were always busy with her parents or my own. It was pretty nice being able to sit there in the comfort of the home and shop with the wife.

By the time Friday showed up, we had already received all of the packages. One of my favorite pictures that my wife has shot so far is one of my son and the dog running around the backyard playing with his new toy. As for me, well I got a chance to sit back and enjoy one of my favorite sitcoms that I hardly ever get a chance to watch.

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