4 Exercises That Will Balance The Look Of Your Body

By Katherine Crawford

All the experts out there have a different say as to which exercise is best for creating different changes in the human body.

The bad news for you is that unless you are an expert in the field, it may be extremely difficult to separate fact from fiction.

As a result, I am going to reveal some of the best exercises for changing different regions in your body.

Without further ado, here are some top level exercises for the desired change:

1. A Bigger chest: Most people will recommend the standard bench press as the king of chest development. Some solid research, however, has shown that benching with dumbbells instead of barbells is better for overall chest growth. This happens because with dumbbells you activate less shoulder muscle.

2. A wider back: I'm sure you have seen someone in your gym doing lat pull downs to the back of their head. Not only is this dangerous, but it's also not as effective as lat pull downs to the front. And for maximum stimulation for a wider back, use an ultra wide grip.

3. Broader shoulders: There are tons of different shoulder exercises. And some people looking for wider shoulders might do lateral raises all day. While lateral rises are effective, overhead dumbbell presses are even better for increasing mass in the side of your shoulders. And wider shoulders will create the illusion of a smaller waist.

4. Well rounded thighs: Most people will do leg presses until the cows come home. If you want better front quad development, however, stick to front squats. This variation of the regular back squat is a great way to stimulate the growth of your thighs.

One key thing to avoid: getting paralyzed by all the different information. Lots of people fall victim here because they try to absorb everything all at once.

Instead, just start incorporating these exercises into your current routines and pay attention to which ones are working for you. And taking action is critical here, or else you will forget what you have learned!

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