What To Expect From Today's Modern Skincare Formulations [Nude Cosmetics]

By Jason Martin

Our bodies are a true miracle of evolution. The healthy supple skin that envelops, protects and defines it, is never so lovely as when it is entirely nude. Cosmetics, chemical compounds, the sun's rays, our harsh work environments, not to mention the inevitable ravages of time all work to reduce the vitality of the skin. As we grow older our skin starts to lose its youthful resilience and the lives we've lived, and the things we've done remain like ghostly palimpsests.

While it is impossible to actually turn back the hands of time, modern day skincare formulations have made it possible to offset some of their consequences and help restore the skin's natural resilience and vitality. Here are but a few of the most commonly used skincare terms associated with contemporary skin repair products.

## Probiotic or pro-biotic

Probiotics refer to a wide spectrum of microscopic organisms that live symbiotically throughout the body and bestow beneficial (and in some cases essential) effects.

## Bio-available

When a compound is referenced in terms of its bio-availability what is being identified is the percent of the active element that is absorbed by the body and available to enter into the system for which it is intended.

## Bio-compatible

A substance that is said to be bio-compatible is able to interact with the cells of the body in a neutral, natural manner without eliciting any toxic or allergic reactions. The more bio-compatible a substance the fewer potential deleterious reactions to it.

## Ethical

This of course doesn't so much reference a product's impact on the body so much as its impact on society and the environment. Whenever possible you should be looking for skincare products that have not been tested on animals, whose ingredient have been responsibly obtained, and whose packaging is recyclable.

When you are considering various eye creams, hand creams or face moisturisers read the literature carefully whether it is a known brand like the UK's Nude Cosmetics or a smaller, lesser known brand. Know what it is you are putting on your skin and understand the claims that are being made.

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