Tips For Getting A Certified Pool Operator Certification

By Catalina Nielsen

Working outdoors and working with people is important to many people. For them, getting a certified pool operator certification may be a good career choice. It involves many different levels of knowledge, and quite a lot of responsibility. However, if you are a good problem solver, it might be perfect for you.

The courses for this certification usually take around two days to complete. This may all be completed in a classroom, or in some cases it can be done in a classroom and online. It involves a very comprehensive training. It covers all basic knowledge for safety and maintenance. Making sure the pools are as safe as possible is a main goal for all operators. It is extremely important to make sure that any program that you enroll in is fully accepted by all local, state, and federal guidelines. Courses should be taught by certified instructors.

Usually a candidate for this type of certification first takes the classroom or online course work. Some programs require passing tests on one topic, before moving on to a new topic. Then they may train hands-on for up to six months with a certified instructor. Then, a written test must be taken and passed. Certification is usually valid for about five years.

Instruction involves a curriculum for both residential and commercial spas and pools. Each type has unique qualities. Very important is understanding how to care for pools, and ways to make sure safety is always followed. Knowing how to prevent safety hazards before they become a problem is also a component. You will learn about different types of filtration systems, and the importance of keeping the water properly sanitized.

Various important safety issues are explored. One of vital importance is the frequency and accuracy of water testing. The chemical levels of various sizes of spas and pools must be accurately maintained. Common issues such as cloudy water and excessive algae growth are discussed. Learning how to establish an effective renovation solution for common problems is another important issue taught in class.

Hot spas and regular pools have some similar issues, but there are also some differences in the care of each. For example, chemistry levels vary for each one. The size of each type of pool must also be addressed.

Communication skills are very important when dealing with clients. The course explains important topics to discuss with them. One important topic is how to help them save energy by making sure that they have the correct size heaters and air circulation equipment for their individual needs. Trainees are also taught the importance of properly inspecting for and fixing leaks. When and how to properly close and open pools is another major topic discussed.

A pool operator has many responsibilities. It is vital to be able to communicate important safety and maintenance issues with prospective clients. Getting certified pool operator certification calls for intensive study, but it can be quite rewarding in knowing that you have helped to keep your clients happy and safe while they enjoy their pool or spa.

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