It's Only Ok - Rolling Lawn Edger Critique

By Joshua Price

I tell you I swear a lot when using this thing. Not worth 80 bucks. The only problem I did encounter was when I got into the thicker growth (2-3") and the Edge Hog would clog. But it was really my fault. Well, needless to say, that was the end of the Edge Hog. It's now in the trash, and I will never buy another B&D product as long as I live. I bought this edger the spring of last year-- and I'm so glad I did. Before getting the edger, I'd been trying to edge with a weed eater-- that's like cutting a stick of butter with a wooden condiment spoon. This has worked great for a year. Smells like something is burning and it stopped working.

It does not cut nearly as sharp an edge as a gas edger either. I took mine back to Lowes and got there 5 HP 4 cycle Model 554 Troy-Built for $250.00 and boy am I glad I did. I used to use a multi-attachment gas powered edger (with swap out stems for the blower and weed-whacker). The always "ON" power in the B&D edger is far superior to what the gas powered one could do.

Our house had not been edged for several years when we moved in. I bought this product for several reasons.

I have edged my yard with this tool for a few years now. Positives on this edger: It is light and easy to maneuver. I finally switched back to using a spade, and it went much faster than using the edger. Now I use the edger to maintain what I originally did with the shovel and it works like a charm. I am in a newer community and I discovered that there are many rocks along the edge of the pavement and my yard. The edge hog threw one of these rocks toward my neighbor's house, and almost hit her and could have easily shattered a window were her car in the driveway.

This is the first edger I've ever owned, but it seems to work very well. There is a metal guide that makes it very easy to make a perfectly straight cut along your driveway or sidewalk.

I believe the blade was cold-rolled instead of hot-rolled, which will make the blade more durable. This Edger replaced a seventeen year old Black & Decker Edger. Because the handle is so long, it has more leverage against the motor housing. This causes the product to have a see-saw effect, and because of that, the product tips over quite a bit, especially with the extension cord attached.

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