Powerful Small Unit - Extra Thick Yoga Mat Critique

By Addison Mitchell

In her words, "it really is horrible," and I agree 100%. It is very heavy, but I could deal with it if I wasn't slipping in down dog, warrior, triangle, I guess I'll have to switch to the Jade Harmony mat that everyone else in class uses. I first became aware of these Manduka mats through my yoga instructor. I finally decided to purchase one once our classes were held outdoors, on a cement surface. Consider schlepping as part of the whole experience of a yoga session and perhaps you'll be able to overcome the feeling that you're hauling a Promethean burden. But step onto the mat and you'll immediately feel grounded and stable.

Don't waste your money. This mat has more cushion than others which is great.

Yes, the mat is the Taj Mahal of yoga mats as described by someone. This is a great mat.

I have used it a few times and it is the most comfortable mat I have ever used. It doesn't slip on the floor (any surface) and it doesn't let you slip either.

I started using this mat for Bikram and it's fine, since I usually put a towel over the mat and I have no problems with slippage. However, when I did regular yoga with the mat without a towel, it was slippery especially when your hands or feet are wet and sweaty.

Secondly, it doesn't slide like my previous mat. My workouts are safer and more effective. This mat is heavy. It provides good support, but it is not cushy or spongy. In the meantime, I am practicing on another mat because I could no longer take compromising my practice. When I use the mat, I actually lay a strap on the top of the mat so I have something to grip and ground down into.

This new mat is truly a great product. It's much thicker and provides cushion and support. I suppose some folks may find it too heavy but it is still less than ten pounds and have no problem with that. There is the perfect amount of grip and the stability is excellent. This is a wonderful mat. It will take your practice to a new level and last a lifetime.

My memory hadn't failed me. Worth the extra money, my first Manduka took a beating.

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