How To Get Over An Ex Girlfriend

By Marim Undosost

Breaking up is a terrible thing for most. This is most especially true if you really loved the girl. But, as with all things, life must go on. If you need help moving on with your life, then check out some of the tips below on how to get over an ex girlfriend.

Get out and start meeting girls. The saying is true: there are plenty of fish in the sea. Some may advise you to take a while before engaging in field play. However, do not wait to long. Doing so will set you back farther. Just remember that the best way to stop obsessing about someone is to obsess about someone else.

Don't keep her pictures everywhere. Your walls, wallet and desktop should be free of your ex's face, no matter how beautiful she is. Each time you look at it, you risk being set back days, weeks or months on your road to recovery.

Keep quiet about her to friend and family. Although they make great sounding boards, friends and family can only handle so much ranting and raving about exs. Also, every time you talk about her, you relive the past you are trying to forget.

Remember the bad times and don't idealize them. Humans are good at turning bad times into good ones when remembering. It is advised that you do remember the good times. However, equally important is to remember just how bad things were between you that you broke up.

In the end, time is the ultimate answer to how to get over an ex girlfriend. However, employing the above strategies will help that much more in your recovery and quest to move on into the future.

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