Chinos are Practical

By Ilechukwu Magnus

Historically, we have thought of women as being more appearance-conscious than men. However, nowadays, men are known to be equally as attentive to their image . Whether in our workplace, relaxing or for formal or informal socialising, our clothing is the most striking aspect of our appearance. So, in every man's wardrobe, there are some must-have items . Chinos are certainly an essential item because they are versatile, comfortable and easy to care for . It would be unusual for a man not to own, at minimum, one pair.

It is said that first impressions are important and long lived . They can even influence important events in our lives such as our careers or our social advancement .

Chinos-Chinos at Work

A lot of corporations who are conscious about their brand expect their workforce to wear formal suits or uniforms . However, there are equally as many, probably a lot more, businesses, professions and workplaces that are comfortable with less formal attire . Indeed, there are some workplaces where less formal or smart-casual clothing is far more appropriate and, for a man, chinos are ideal . Examples of such workplaces are organisations with limited customer-facing activity, business owners who do a combination of administration and manual work or for engineers who undertake site visits . In these instances, chinos are a perfect solution because, as the most essential part of a man's clothing, they are comfortable while, at the same time, they offer a neat and business-like aspect .

The Practicality of Chinos- Chinos for Relaxation and Leisure

Unless the occasion or circumstance demands it, it would be unusual to find people dressed formally while relaxing in their own homes . Although comfortable clothing may be preferable for relaxation, they need to be practical for doing household chores. Chinos are a practical option for those practical jobs .

Chinos are also a flexible choice for men when it comes to social and leisure pursuits . Classic-tailored chinos usually have a pleated or flat front according to an individual's own preference . Their cotton-synthetic fabric lends them a soft feel, which is comfortable against the skin . And, this comfort level is reflected in the overall demeanour of the wearer . The versatility of chinos makes them easy to accessorise with other items of clothing, whether they are plain or patterned in colour and whatever their fabric texture . Hence, they can be dressed up for a smarter look or dressed down for a more casual look. For example, while golf is a leisurely pursuit, very often it can have corporate, career or social implications . Hence, without negatively affecting an individual's career or social aspirations, chinos are a smart alternative for the golf course whereas a formal suit would look out of place.

Hence, in order to ensure the appropriate image for whatever occasion, it is important to choose our chinos carefully. The impact of our chinos is such that they can enhance or undermine our image or cause us to make a really good or really bad first impression. Cheap Chinos

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