Ideas On How To Get Rid Of Tonsil Stones At Home

By Donald Hickey

Tonsillitis commonly affects young ones. It may not be necessary to take a child to hospital every time they fall sick. If the parent knows how to get rid of tonsil stones at home, there is no need for the child to be taken to hospital. If it is a serious attack however, one should not take any chances. The advantage of dealing with this problem at home is the fact that it is less expensive this way. Treatment for tonsillitis is expensive compared to doing it at the household level.

A number of remedies are available for the above-mentioned activity. Amongst these many remedies is using a cotton swab. Cotton swabs make it easy to eliminate a stone. One only needs to apply pressure from the lower part of the stone going upwards. This needs to be done repetitively until the stone is cropped up and eliminated. The pressure applies should always be maintained throughout the entire removal period. A finger can also be used in place of the cotton swab.

Oral irrigators can also be used to get rid of tonsillitis. These irrigators serve to create pressure through the strong jet they produce. This pressure is vital especially when dealing with a stone that has a strong grip.

Using an irrigation syringe is another alternative to get rid of tonsillitis. It works almost as an irrigator. An irrigation syringe sucks the stone out. The stone area should first be soaked in warm water that is salty before starting to suck a stone. Soaking in warm salty water reduces the pain and time taken to remove the stone.

Choosing to massage can be an effective way to split the stone. The use of a soft brush to massage the area is particularly effective in weakening the hold that the stone has Electric toothbrushes is even more preferable for this kind of procedure. The side of the brush that does not have bristles can effectively massage the area around the stone. The oscillations created by an electric toothbrush can even lead to the eventual falling off, of the stone.

Perhaps the most interesting way of eliminating tonsillitis is using fizzy drinks and salty water. Fizzy drinks such as club soda or sparkling water can be very useful in getting rid of tonsil stones. Gargling salty water two or three times in a day can go a long way in curbing the problem of inflammation. Fizzy drinks can easily weaken the grip of the stone because of the carbon that they contain.

There are several other remedies available for someone looking to learn how to get rid of tonsil stones at home. These are not the only remedies available. It is quite clear that it is not difficult to treat tonsillitis at home.