What You Should Know About Doctoral Gowns

By Allex Oneil

The different educational levels require various sets of graduation gowns. The primary and secondary levels include the basic gowns. The bachelor's and master's likewise have a different set from the doctoral robes. It is evident that as the academic level gets higher the variations in the specifics becomes evident. The doctorate degree has essentially the most elaborate kind of gown amongst the rest. It varies in several elements and it is very distinct in its own functions.

Dating back the history of the gowns, the Medieval universities used to wear them as school uniforms. It was not a tradition during the early centuries for these robes to be worn during a graduation ceremony alone. These robes weren't designed to distinguish any certain discipline of study unlike today wherein colored gowns are frequently used to tell apart a degree or school. These robes were really influenced by the church practices. The church leaders during those times used to use their ankle-length robes for religious rites. With their remarkable impact on the educational system this custom was carried on to the colleges by which the similar robes had been used as uniform by students, school officials and even the professors. Similarly, these robes functioned to protect the wearer from the cold climate.

With the changing seasons and time the robes were improved to match the ever changing society. Universities began to make use of their very own school uniform while specific prestigious universities continued with the use of robes. The gowns now are classified based on educational level, the doctoral gown being the highly respected amongst the academic regalia.

The doctoral gowns have distinct functions that tell it apart from the bachelor's and master's. The bachelor's gown has pointed sleeves that falls from the wrist. It is traditionally black and it's worn closed in the front. It might or might not be used with a hood. The use of a hood is dependent upon the requirement of the school. The master's gown features oblong shaped sleeves that open at the wrist. It could be used open or closed in front and a hood is a required accessory. On the other hand, the doctoral gowns have bell shaped sleeves and the length of the gown falls down to the ankles. They are commonly black having strip bands on the front and on each sleeve to reveal the color of the degree attained by the graduate. The colors are based on the defined regulations by the Code.

For those graduating with a doctoral degree the tam is used on the head rather than the mortarboard. The mortarboard is worn by the rest of the academic levels as well as the material has to be similar with that of the gown. However, this particular guideline is an exemption for doctoral degree graduates. The tam is usually designed of velvet material and it doesn't automatically have to be exactly the same with the gown's material. The gown could come in other kinds of material according to the personal preference of the wearer. Generally, high-quality materials are selected for the gown including satin, wool flannel, Percale, crosgrain or silk.

Using doctoral gowns is a right as a student who've pursued the highest academic level. A student can certainly pursue more than one doctoral degree if he wants. It really is a remarkably honored academic achievement being the highest educational level.

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