Understand The Basics Of Cap And Gown In Various Levels Of Education

By Allex Oneil

The various levels of education have their own particular features and attributes that identify them apart. The primary and secondary educational levels are the basic among these levels. They also have simple attributes that have their own educational value. The bachelor's level is next to the primary and secondary. The master's level comes next where a student earns a masteral degree in a certain area of study. The doctorate level is the highest educational attainment. The cap and gown of each of those levels include particular dissimilarities in elements of style, size, length and accessories.

Not every graduation accessories are intended for all the educational levels. The master's and doctorate levels have much more detailed designs and also the accessories include more representations on the educational attainment of a graduate. You should realize the basics of your cap and gown so that you can much better value the educational journey that you have worked so hard for to earn.

Primary and Secondary

The primary level comprises of the preschool and kindergarten. The cap and gown worn by the small kids are usually the standard white cotton gowns. Some gowns are available in polyester or a combination of cotton and polyester. These gowns likewise are available in various colors today. A number of schools comply with the school's color and incorporate it with the gowns. The 4-sided mortarboards are also the standard graduation caps. The fabric used for the gown is the same with the material for the cap. Likewise, the high school graduation attire are available in the basic white cotton fabric. The standard black gown is still very commonly worn in almost all universities around the world. The mortarboard features a button at the middle where the tassel is attached. There are available sizes for pre-school and kindergarten when you explore through the net. In most cases, a one-size fits all gown is readily made for the primary level. For the secondary level, nevertheless, the gowns are instead custom-made depending on the body type and height of the graduate.


The bachelor's gown is very similar to the high school gown though the sleeves of the bachelor's gown are pointed. The gown is supposed to be used closed at the front. It doesn't need the use of a hood even though in several universities, the hood is really a standard graduation apparel for the bachelor's level. The mortarboard is likewise worn as well as the tassel hangs on the right side of the graduation caps. The color of the tassel depends on the prerequisite from the school. The school can either comply with the university color or perhaps the degree color.


The hood is necessary for the master's graduation attire. This suggests the degree of the graduate through the color of the velvet edge of the hood. You will find different colors which represents the various areas of study for the master's level. The sleeves of the gown is oblong-shaped and it has wrist openings.


The doctoral gown is much more detailed than the master's. The sleeves are bell-shaped and it hangs on the back of the wrist. The robe has two velvet panels in the front and 3 bands on each of the sleeves. The velvet, piping as well as other materials on the gown could be in a mixture of black and the color which symbolizes the degree of the graduate. The gown may also be worn either open or closed.

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