Five Tips and Three Stages of a Relationship

By Charles Nikenya

When you enter into a relationship, it is going to be good for you to be honest. Being yourself will make your partner understand you for whom you are. Expressing love should be a daily commitment for couples.

True love is something that is not bought but is an inner expression through feelings. When there's love, the couples won't abuse one another. Instead they're going to be working together towards achieving a common goal. You won't find yourself asking questions such as: why do women cheat on men? Below are 5 tips on how you can build your relationship strong.

1.) Trust builds a robust relationship. Without it there isn't any relationship. Trust each other and your relationship will remain to be stable.

2.) You have to spend quality time together. Spending quality time with the special one in your life is how you will come to understand each other better. This will make you both to appreciate one another and learn many things from each other.

3.) Always communicate with your partners. Unless you communicate with her or him you won't come to know what she/he's thinking. Lack of communication between partners has wiped out many relationships. Always communicate with your partner to strengthen your relationship.

You should also hear your companion whenever he/she is communicating to you. Not listening to what your partner is saying will make him/her feel ignored and unworthy. Listening shows your partner how caring you are towards him/her.

4.) Learn how to forgive your partner. Realize that your partner can't be perfect. He/she makes mistakes as a human being. Nonetheless, this does not imply that you keep on forgiving your partner for the same mistakes over and over again. Once you forgive your partner, he/she should not repeat the same mistake.

5.) A disagreement is never resolved by fighting. When you disagree with your companion there are other ways like holding a dialogue with your partner in order to solve a disagreement apart from fighting.

3 Stages of a Relationship

The first stage is where partners come together because both felt they were not complete. In the past years, ladies depended on men to provide for them. Men on the other hand were breadwinners. Ladies had the role of being housewives only. Women hardly took part in politics and economic activities because these two activities were not only dominated by men but they were also reserved for men. Due to this, women and men required one another in order to feel complete.

The second stage is where partners share equal responsibilities. In this stage of a relationship, partners who are dependent come together to share responsibilities. They split the household tasks, financial and childrearing responsibilities among themselves.

The second stage isn't the same as the first stage of the relationship where women depended on men to provide for them. The second stage is where ladies discovered that they have equal rights (feminism) to participate in economic as well as political activities so as to empower themselves.

The third stage is where partners come together for the purpose of intimate communion. In this stage both the partners in the relationship express their deep love for one another. They completely commit to one another.

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