Try These Tips To Train Your Dog

By Alison Heath

Most people are drawn to dogs. Puppies can be quite destructive and often mischievous. Read the following information to learn more about training your loyal pal.

Make sure your dog knows right from wrong in all instances. Your entire household will need to be on the same page when it comes to boundaries. It undermines your efforts quickly!

Recognize the triggers that encourage your dog's poor behavior and keep him occupied during the times that he is confronted by these temptations. For instance, do something distracting to entertain and stimulate your dog when you are walking him and you approach another dog that your pet does not deal with well. By doing this, he will start to see that good things can happen even when he sees that stimuli.

Never tie two or more dogs in close vicinity to one another. The dogs chains could get tangled up and cause harm to the dogs as they struggle to get free. In the case that a large dog and small dog become entangled, the large dog's rope or chain could cut off air circulation to the small dog, and it could be severely injured or die.

One thing you might want to do is train your dog to hold a toy in his mouth. When they grab it with their mouth, use the clicker and provide them with a treat. Wait until the dog has the toy in his mouth. After has has done this, you should click and promptly give a reward. Next, only give him a reward if he holds the toy using his mouth.

The first thing you should do when training a puppy is teach him to understand his name. Use his name frequently, and train him to come to you when called. Your dog should learn these items before any others as they're the most important. Spending lots of time will create a strong bond with your puppy, and will lead to unbreakable trust. This way he or she will be more open to some advanced training.

Do not neglect to make a visit to the vet for a spay or neuter around the six month mark. This should happen before you start obedience classes. When your dog is spayed or neutered, it is a nicer pet and is better at obedience. Your dog will be happier and he or she will live longer.

If you catch your puppy in the act of chewing on an inappropriate item, stop it right away. This helps teach them that they cannot chew on some things and can help them leave your belongs alone when you're not watching.

Always train your dog in a motivated, positive environment. Be quick to reward your dog when it follows commands. Your dog will become fearful and less responsive to commands if you attempt to use fear and punishment as training motivation tools.

As previously stated, dog training can be a wise investment. Bad behavior on your dog's part is stressful for you as well as your dog. If your dog knows you're angry but doesn't understand what he did wrong, he'll get upset and be more likely to repeat bad behavior. And his human owners will have to spend money on replacing damaged possessions while worrying about what their dog might destroy next. This just makes both humans and dogs unhappy; soon everyone, including the dog, wonders why the family adopted him in the first place. Use the information here. Choose to train your dog and your dog will be a pleasure for everyone.

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