How To Find New York Divorce Records Online

By Claire Dowell

One of the most accessed records in New York is the Divorce files. There are two types of New York divorce records which you can choose from depending on the need: The divorce certificate and the divorce decree.

Every time a couple separates, a divorce certificate is created to document the separation of a couple. One can find only the basic information about the divorce such as name of the husband and wife along with the date of marriage. It would also be indicated on the record when and where the separation was finalized and made legal. Only records dated from January 1, 1963 are available at the New York Department of Health.

The other form of a divorce record is a decree issued by the county where the divorce was legally finalized. Aside from the basic information of the couple, it would include the details of the separation such as the terms and conditions agreed during the divorce proceedings. The signature of the approving judge is required before it can be made a valid documented. The division of the couple's assets and liabilities are also found on the record. The visitation and the child custody are also detailed on the file. The county clerk only has records from January 1, 1963.

The information found on a divorce record in New York may be enough to track the history of a family. The most common reason for requesting the divorce file is to marry again. It is also one of the documents that have to be presented when migrating to a different country.

Just like any other public records in New York, only authorized people can gain access to the divorce record but the couple can always obtain a copy of it. Person, other than the couple would be required to provide a court order in order to get a copy of the file. One will be asked to pay a $30 fee and present their government issued ID in order to have the request processed. One will also be required to provide their information for documentation purposes.

In New York, one can request for a divorce record by calling the office of the Department of Health. This method would take only a maximum of 7 days. One can also request by sending a priority mail request that can take 3 weeks for the record to be obtained. Regular mail request can take even a longer time, 8 weeks or two months. The development of the Internet has made the retrieval of the file a lot faster and convenient. It has eliminated the waiting time since the request can be made even at home and the results are obtained within minutes. Energy and time are saved when using the Internet to get the divorce record.

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