Investing With Purpose

By Allan Marsh

If you don't know the amount of debt you have, it will be hard to strategize a way to pay it off. It is nearly as difficult to put together an investing strategy if you don't have reasons for investing. You can't make a good decision on the types of investments you should make if you don't have something to aspire to.

People invest for many reasons. Saving for retirement is a common reason to invest. People generally want to stop working at a certain age to enjoy the last years of their lives. The only plausible way for a person who is not independently wealthy to have money when they retire is to invest money.

A short-term financial goal could be another reason to invest.

Short-term goals and investing

Short-term goals are just as important as a long-term goal like retirement. A catalyst for a short-term goal could be going on a dream vacation, buying a new car, or purchasing a new home.

Long-term and short-term goals both have specific strategies that need to be understood.

If another income is what you want, your investment portfolio should have a mix of short and long term investments that pay dividends. It should have low-risk, high yield bonds.

You must decide on the amount and time you will need the money. You can develop a strategy with just that information.

Short-term investments might be harder if you aren't beginning with a lot of money. While short-term investments have better possibilities for high returns, they also have higher levels of risks.

Investing and Long Term Goals

If you begin early investing for retiring, you can earn more money. Someone who starts early can recover from losses and take higher risks.

As you approach retirement years, your long term investing strategy should be less risky. Lower risk investments won't have as high of rates of return, but will steadily increase.

Portfolios for investments in retirement often contain a mix of stocks, bonds, debt securities, index funds, and money markets. Look into your company retirement plans. It will help to stretch your own investment money further.

When you get older, you'll want to move your investments into a guaranteed investment so your money will be accessible.

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