Love in kinds of forms

By Alex Shant

Love is a notion that many crave as badly as a drug. Like a drug, the desire to obtain and keep love makes people do some wild and crazy things. People can make worst of themselves that can endanger them. When we feel love,we try to alter who we are both positive and negative and we use it as a means of control. How often have you heard or said yourself "if you love me you would/wouldn't?" Do we really believe that any an action by another that displeases us in an indication of a lack of love?

Love is a wonderful emotion that we all seek to experience. It arrives in many forms; the love a parent has for a child, the love one feels for a romantic partner, or the love we have for friends and family. We have all said the words "I love you", but have we really thought about what that means?

We seem to spend a great deal of time searching for love or trying to prove our love. Parent lavish their children with gifts to show their love, children do and say what is expected of them to gain their parents' love and acceptance and lovers put their needs aside and prioritize their partners as a means to illustrate their love. But are any of these things good enough? It seems like no matter how many sacrifices are made in the name of love, we still find ourselves wanting for more.

So much of the love that we give is based on conditions. If this wasn't the case there wouldn't be so many divorce battles or relationships with family and friends that can go sour at the turn of a hat. If we really loved the people in our lives, we would be able to let them go with love instead of resentment and bitterness. We have become so conditioned to making others responsible for our happiness that we get angry when they do things that we don't like.

The reality is that no one is responsible for our happiness but us. If we really think about it, how many of us have never had a desire that didn't fit with the desires of friends or family or a romantic partner. Why does it have to be a choice between your happiness and theirs? If we truly loved each other, wouldn't we be supporting one another in finding our own happiness rather than giving that power to someone else?

The fact that we have complicated the idea of love so much illustrates the power of the ego, as well as how insane it is.. As we approach the start of a new year, let us meditate and reflect what and how should we live our lives for the next year. Should we continue the way we are or should we ponder on how to be more lovable not only to ourselves but to others as well.

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