Create your own personal goals

By Miranda Parker

Success is not something which comes to anyone very easily. You need to attain a personal goal in order to achieve success.

Do you know that 90% of success is actually when you begin focusing on a project whereas 90% of failures is because of not 'being able to jump back, after you fall from a horse'. You can put it in many different ways. Like for e.g. at work, saying sorry for making a mistake or not completing the project on time is one way of positive approach towards success.

Success will never come to you unless you have a passion, dedication and most important discipline in life. At the same time, you will need to make a bit of compromises in life in order to reach your goal at a faster pace.

They say that without experiencing failure, there never comes success. And many of us fail to attain success because of the fear of not achieving the goal or in simpler words, due to lack of will power.

Humans are created to achieve success in life. But it does not come on its own. We have to pass the test in order to achieve success. In order to achieve your goals, the first and foremost important factor is a positive approach. Though you might feel that the future seems to be bleak viewing the pathetic current conditions, you must not lose hope.

Success means how we use our thinking power. If we anticipate good things, good aspects are sure to follow. They say that just one step behind failure lies success, and most of the time we are so focused that we only see failure all the time thereby loosing hopes & do not understand that just a bit of extra efforts would help us reaching our next milestone, i.e. Success.

You must also remember that to achieve success, discipline is very important. If you have the self control & discipline, then you are bound to reach your goals at a faster pace.

We must plan our every move in the correct direction to achieve success in life. We must also never give up in life. Always push ourselves ahead and work hard to achieve something productive in life & there won't be anything stopping us from growing and becoming successful in life.

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