Grass Fed Whey Supports Protection

By Brandon Gilbert

When Organic Grass Fed Whey Protein products are kept raw, or not pasteurized above 160 degrees Fahrenheit, a bunch of constructive immune response supportive constituents are kept intact. The results of this major difference between the results of raw milk versus. Pasteurized milk are known by many advocates of the raw milk movement.

There is incredibly few well controlled studies that compare these results in people, however one large study from Europe that compared children raised on pasteurized milk products vs. Raw milk products revealed that the raw grass-fed dairy drinking children were much less likely to get sick than those youngsters raised on pasteurized milk. You will find out more about this report by doing a web search on "The PARCIFAL Study".

There are a considerable number of factors in raw milk and particularly Hyperion Nutrition's Grass-fed Undenatured Whey Protein Powder that are answerable for these great boosts in immunological health and flexibility. The follow is a listing of them with an explanation of what each component does in the body:

Immunoglobulins are made in our own body but they may also be consumed from food and employed by our immune mechanism. They work by literally binding to a selection of differing types of pathogens and rendering them inert and to be dumped by the body. They can bind to bacteria, viruses as well as fungi. Immunoglobulins also play a part in the antibody response of our immune response.

Lactoferrin is quite a extraordinary and flexible protein. It has the properties of being antiviral, antibacterial, anti-parasitic, anti-cancer, antiallergenic as well as radio-protective (binds to radioactive compounds so that they can be carried out of the body). It also helps the body control iron absorption. There are 2 types of iron, heme iron (found only in protein and animal foods) and non-heme iron (found solely in plant foods). Heme iron is pretty easily uptake by the body and for omnivores this can end up in too much iron in the blood that has a pro-oxidant effect. In veggies and vegans, the non-heme iron is very slow to take in but our body can stop when we've soaked up enough of it. The problem with people who concentrate on a plant based diet is they can simply no absorb enough iron. Lactoferrin can help both omnivores and vegetarians in getting plenty of iron by its capability to control iron levels by either slowing down or speeding up its assimilation. Lactoferrin is anti-inflammatory and can also help regular cellular expansion which is fantastic for cancer prevention.

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