A Closer Look at Dwarf Chinese Dwarf Hamsters and How to Raise Them

By Liz Andrews

Dwarf Chinese Hamster is a hamster breed that was originally found in Northern China and Mongolia. Initially grown as laboratory animals, this specie has made its way to the pet industry. Often associated to the breed of dwarf hamsters, this breed is not really related to dwarf hamsters.Chinese Hamsters are not that common, and they are rare in the market. If you are hoping to raise one, it is better that you know the fundamental information about them.

The first thing you have to learn is their looks. A Dwarf Chinese Hamster has a regular brown color with a black stripe down the spine. Their hairs have a black and grey streaks and their bellies are whitish. They are small, and unlike other dwarf hamsters, they grow tails. This trait gives them that rat-like look that confuses some people.

These hamsters can develop up to four inches when they mature. Their tails can reach an inch in length, and it is hairless. Because of their smallsize, it is not advisable to put them in wire cages. Glass aquariums or a habitrail would be a better home for them, as they couldn't escape as easy.

The next thing you have to understand is how they behave and their temperament. This type of hamster is nocturnal in nature but can be vigorous in someepisodes during the day. They can have mood swings, but generally, they are timid beings with a good nature. Though they rarely bite, fostering them can be quite a test due to their tiny size and agility. You might need a big pen for them, so they can move around easily.

Socially, these creatures can be placed together. Normally, this is performed at their young age. But a few handlers would like to contradict this. They believe that Chinese hamsters, especially the female ones can be violent when housed in a group. To be safe, you observe them first if they exhibit any hints of aggression when grouped. If they do, then it is sensible to keep them individually.

Fostering this type of hamster is just similar with others. Basic hamster care is important to its longevity. Providing a cozy shelter will keep it contented. You must also uphold the cleanliness in its cage to thwart ailments that may be lethal to your pet. Making sure of a clean environment for your hamster also safeguards your family from unpleasant and disease-causing germs. Lastly, only give your pet fresh diet. Aside from the commercial hamster food, you can also give it fresh fruits and vegetables.

You must realize that taking care of Dwarf Chinese Hamsters requires patience and persistance. Because they are not frequently raised domestically, you must make sure that you have researched sufficient information about them before you take on this responsibility. Once, you've done this, then it will be stress-free for you to take care of your new pet.

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