Try to keep the stress down to stop from grinding teeth

By Aj Mathison

Bruxism or grinding teeth at night is a very common condition that affects almost everyone. Consciously or unconsciously, most of us grind our teeth. If you suffer from a very minor case of bruxism there is not much to worry about. Grinding teeth can have some serious side effects and even end up with you damaging your teeth permanently. Bruxism сan harm уоur teeth, gums, jaw muscles, аnd сan саuѕe pain and discomfort оver time, it may even end up with you having dental surgery.

If you are going to suffer from bruxism allot of times you will see it as a child. Statistics reveal that almost 30% of all children grind teeth in sleep. Grinding teeth is an involuntary action, that is, it happens without the person's knowledge. Its scary the amount of people who suffer from bruxism but do not know how serious it can be. If you wake up with a sore jaw or you have a slight headache there is a chance you suffer from bruxism. It is better to contact your dentist so that he can observe your teeth for damage and find out if you are grinding your teeth at night.

The main thing that is believed to cause teeth grinding is stress. Stress will cause you to not fall into a deep sleep and which is why professionals believe it is the main cause. It is in situations like these that you start grinding your teeth. Since stress is a causative factor for bruxism, you can prevent it by taking measures to relieve stress. There are several methods to reduce stress levels. For example, you can try meditation or relaxation therapy. You can also try acupuncture. Another way to control stress is to take the help of a professional counselor.

Other reasons for bruxism include broken or misaligned teeth, consumption of food such as tea or coffee and alcohol consumption. If this is to cause then you can visit your dentist and have them preform surgery at the most severe level of bruxism or maybe you just need braces. Try to avoid things that are full of caffeine before bedtime and make sure you are feeling relaxed. Similarly, you should also avoid alcoholic drinks. If none of these help you, it is advisable to contact the dentist.

A baby grinding teeth is more common than one might think so if keep and eye on your child even during the day. Try to rock it to sleep or even sing its favorite song to try to relax it before it falls asleep.

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