Parking Games: The Latest Online Craze

By Cyger Manni

Parking games have quickly become a favorite with online gamers. They offer easy entertainment, as well as education on how to park a vehicle correctly. Many people initially start playing this type of game as a way to help them learn how to park a vehicle effectively. However, they soon find the game addictive as there are various skill levels for each game, and the opportunity to change the type of vehicle being parked.

There are many different variations of the game, and although the idea is quite simple, the skill level required is something that has to be practiced. For novices there are lower levels with minimal obstacles. Once the basic movements have been mastered there are higher levels, where a large amount of skill is required to park the vehicle as various obstacles, such as pedestrians and dogs, have to be maneuvered around.

One of the best things about parking games is that you learn to park with an aerial perspective, whereas when you are actually driving you are limited to what can be seen from within your vehicle. The aerial perspective allows you to see how the vehicle moves into the space as you move the controls. It also makes you aware of how the vehicle moves within the confines of the parking space.

You also become much more aware of the surroundings. For example, you will be able to see if you are going to hit another vehicle before it happens, whereas when you are driving you have limited views of surrounding obstacles and costly accidents can happen before you realize it.

There are many different versions of this entertaining game online. One includes valet parking, where the faster you park the car of the customer the more money you earn. If you happen to damage the car by scratching it you have to pay compensation to the customer and start over again.

There are other options, such as truck driving tests. In this variation you take lessons within a set time limit and work towards passing a truck driving course. There are even fun car parking games that involve bumping into cars to make them spin like ballerinas into their designated spots, which probably appeals more to younger gamers.

Controlling the vehicle is pretty simple. The controllers consist of cursor keys and are easy to master after just a few tries. There is no chance of getting bored either, as you can always change the vehicle or location. Some variations consist of locations all around the world and some even take place in space. Vehicles can vary from cars, taxis, trailers, trucks, boats, cruise liners and space ships.

The main allure of parking games, other than the educational value of learning how to park correctly, is that they are fun. They are games that require skill and become addictive as you try to better your score. They also offer good wholesome fun without the blood, gore, and violence that are found in so many other games these days.

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