Numerous Alternatives To Achieve A Good Tan

By Haywood Hunter

Many people enjoy looking healthy and fit. This is often obtained by a good tan, which can be reached in a number of ways. This may be at a tanning salon, exposure to the sun, or by using self-help products.

If the tan is to be obtained from the sun's natural rays, there are things that must be considered. Just being exposed to the sun's ultraviolet rays, for long periods of time, with no protection, can be dangerous. Not only can it cause a bad sunburn but can also present the possibility of cancer in some people.

There are a number of different skin types which react differently to the sun's rays. These are classified into six different categories. However, regardless of the type, the rays can penetrate the skin and damage the cells located below even leading to cancer.

Types are defined as to the degree of pigmentation, with more melanin in the darker skin. They are listed as Type One, pale white, which will always burn, never tanning. Two, white, will tan very little and burn easily. Three, white, tans easily and burns very little. Four, light brown or olive, burns little and tans easily. Five, brown, tans easily and dark, seldom burning. Six, black or dark brown, always tans and seldom burns.

Some people have the idea that if they get a 'basic tan', at a salon, prior to sun exposure it will aid in getting a good tan, prevent skin damage and sunburn. This has proved to be untrue. Premature aging and other damages will occur from repeated UV radiation, regardless of this base tanning.

To have your body show a good tan there are several options. One is using tanning products which do not require sun exposure. These may be in the form of sprays, oils, lotions and other items. While there are sunless tanning pills available they are not recommended, as they can cause possible damage to the liver and the eyes.

In choosing sunscreen products it is important to get the ones that will offer the most protection. This protection will assist in preventing premature skin aging and other damages to your body. They are available in both chemical and physical forms.

All sunscreens and sun blocks are not equal. By careful examination of the product's label, you will be able to see just what it does as well as what ingredients are used. A physical sunscreen scatters, blocks, reflects and absorbs the sun's rays. The chemical one will absorb the rays. A product with high SPFs is desirable and offers the most protection to the skin from the sun.

Whether using a tanning bed, self tanner, spray-tan booth or other method to achieve to the desired look, there is no doubt that a good tan can change your body's overall appearance. It can disguise blemishes, define the muscles and even make you look slimmer. This is especially effective for people who live in climates with little sunlight, or who have to spend a great deal of their time working indoors.

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