Benefits of Using BMI to Lose Weight

By Adriana Noton

Body mass index is a measurement that takes into consideration your weight in relation to your height. The end result is a number that gives an indication as to whether or not you're overweight, and if you are, if it is dangerously so.

As far as body mass index goes, if you have a BMI of 18.5 or lower, you are considered underweight. A healthy weight range lies between 18.5 and 24.9, while a BMI of between 25 and 29.9 indicates you are overweight. Someone who is considered obese has a BMI of over 30. The higher into the 30s your BMI goes, the more dangerous the situation is in terms of your health. You will likely be instructed to lose weight if your BMI is over 25, but if it's over 30, losing weight becomes a little more urgent.

Using the BMI system as a guide to help lose weight has certain benefits to help point you in the right direction. Figuring out your BMI is an easy process, especially with the multitude of online BMI calculator available for you to use. A BMI calculator gives you your BMI number after you enter your height and weight into the template. Any online search for BMI calculator will turn up several that you can use for free. Once you punch the numbers into the BMI calculator, you will have a better idea of where you stand and if you need to lose weight or not.

Using BMI is also a very affordable method to help gauge your body fat ratio. Some methods require specialized equipment or require you to travel to special hospitals or clinics to have the testing done. Special testing may end up giving you more data, but a simple BMI calculator is a trusted and free method to help most people lose weight. Once you've discovered your BMI, you really have no reason to continue going along with your head in the same about your weight. There are some circumstances when a BMI calculator would reveal inaccurate results, but it is usually very accurate. Sometimes, with heavily muscled athletes such as bodybuilders, the BMI calculator might indicate a number that signifies obesity, when that definitely isn't the case.

The ability to track your results as you lose weight is another big benefit of using a BMI calculator. As your weight loss, so will your BMI, and using a BMI calculator makes it easy to monitor the number and see when you move from one category to the next. It is beneficial to keep a record of your height, weight and BMI and take measurements every couple of weeks to see what kind of progress you are making. If your BMI is up over 30 it's important to get it down under the obesity level as quickly as possible. You may be using calorie restriction and exercise to lose weight, or your doctor may have prescribed you. Whatever the method, find a good BMI calculator and keep track of your BMI so you'll stay on the right track.

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