Some Facts About Anger Management Courses Today

By Dr Joe James

Anger management courses are usually taken at the order of the court system as a result of domestic violence or assault charges. Most often, it is men that are ordered into these classes, as they are the more aggressive sex. It is a beneficial course to take for men or women who have a lack of control over their temper.

Classes taken for this purpose focus on bringing back stability to an unstable temper. People can have bad tempers because of their genetics, their upbringing or a basic personality trait that is unique to them. They may have a mental disorder that makes it difficult to stay calm. They might also have an addiction to drugs or alcohol that they must work on at the same time. All of these are legitimate reasons to take a class like this.

Classes of this kind are used to help adults like these get control over that behavior. They attend the classes to learn what it is that drives them to act that way and to learn techniques to help them stop the behavior before it happens. Gaining self control will come as they gain self-respect. People who are angry and abusive are showing a distinct sign that they do not love themselves. Until they learn to care for themselves, they cannot truly care for others.

The group therapy format is usually used in these classes. People who have been through similar experiences will get together and share their stories. A qualified therapist is always in charge, making sure that the discussion is productive.

With the discussion period, a therapist will also instruct and counsel those in the group, giving them needed advice and helping them build coping skills. Therapists realize every member of the group will need to carry those tools outside the group session. People who have trouble controlling their temper must learn techniques they can use in the real world, involving their daily relationships.

Members must gradually come to realize over the course of the class how their lack of control and bad behavior damages everything in their life. They will recognize the triggers before they lose control and learn to reign in their temper before it gets the better of them. When they have learned to respond appropriately in any given situation, they have found success.

Court ordered anger management courses are usually 6 to 12 weeks long. They will be charged to the person taking the course, whether it is voluntary or not. Prices vary but payment is required before the classes are started.

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