
By Yvonne Brixey

The term liposuction means suction assisted fat removal and it can be used for unwanted fat in most areas of the body. Basically liposuction is a surgical procedure that is the least about invasive as possible,it contours areas of problem, giving the body a younger,sculpted appearance. The best liposuction takes out a safe sufficient measure of fat, but leaves enough in to make for a natural, smooth appearance.

Typically liposuction is done for cosmetic problems, usually not for health reasons. The best candidate for liposuction is one who had exercised to lose weight , and diets to maintain it giving skin elasticity. Liposuction relies on this good elasticity to keep the skins elastic properties so the skin can settle around the treated area. The patients who are good candidates for the procedure are those with youthful,elastic skin because they have the most effective liposuction.

Liposuction is not meant for those who are obese, it's not supposed to take someone down to half their current size. That would be extremely dangerous, and an ineffective way to reduce ones size because of the risks. For those who are looking to use liposuction for extreme weight loss should look to a nutritionist instead for a weight loss plan.

Liposuction is now a technique being used for those who have and idea of what they want to look like and wanting a great body to compliment it. This is partially due to society's increased importance on the physical appearance, but this procedure does have its risks.

The average procedure only takes 1-2 hours depending on the amount of fat being removed. The two options for liposuction are traditional assisted lipoplasty and the newest ultrasound assisted liposuction. Although its not uncommon to use both methods, your doctor will help you choose which method is right for you.

Mild to moderate pain is to be expected after liposuction due to bruising and swelling. You will have a post op visit 4-7 days following surgery. The final results from the liposuction will gradually become apparent, although it can take up to six months to see the total result. Regular, non strenuous activity can be resume after 1-3 weeks, but more rigorous activities will need to be postponed up to 3 months.

The benefits and risks need to be taken into consideration. The risks can best be explained by a surgeon, but simply put, there is evidence that suggests that the amount of tissue being sucked, and amount of anesthesia used may be the reason for increased post -surgical complications, and in some rare cases death.

The cost of the procedure depends on what procedure is being done. Unless the procedure has complications, it will be an outpatient procedure.Post surgery medication is required and will be a small cost, but still should be taken into account.

Liposuction is not meant to be used for extreme weight loss, or to be used in place of dieting.If you think you are a good candidate for liposuction talk to your doctor, consider the risks and benefits and make the choice the will be best for you.Liposuction

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