Health Vitamins as a Means to Promote Child's Physical Condition

By Monica Alfano

Children often eat foods that are not nutritious that is why health vitamins are always present. Having vegetables and fruits in their diet ensures that the children are getting all the essential vitamins but this would be hard to attain.

Vitamin C is very essential to kids because the immunity will be stimulated. The advantages of Vitamin C intake includes being an anti- inflammatory agent as well as it acts as an antioxidant that helps the body avoid cell damage.

There are many options of vitamins now that are present on the market. Some vitamins work well if it is appropriate for the child's age and food intake. Vitamins that are best for infants are those that are in a liquid mixture.

The infants do not know how to swallow yet or even chew a vitamin until they will have their teeth. A liquid form of vitamins needs to be refrigerated to keep the potency after opening it and that you do not need to store vitamins that are expired.

There are many ways in which you can convince young children to take their vitamins. There are pharmaceutical companies that produce pills that are chewable and the taste is similar to candy. Well known characters on the TV are patterned to be on vitamins already like Pokemon, Flintstones and Bugs Bunny. Giving the kid options on what character to take helps them become eager to have the vitamins.

The candy taste of the vitamins will help the child be enticed in taking the vitamins daily, but you should carefully teach them that these vitamins are not like candies in which you can have it more than once per day. That is why keeping the vitamins and other medicines in places that children cannot see is very important.

If in case you do not want to give your kids vitamins that taste the sugar or maybe you don't have to spend for these anymore, then you can give them adult tablets that cannot be chewed. Adult tablets can be given in lower dose so you just have to cut it in two.

You can grind the vitamin to make it a powder if ever your child cannot swallow and you can hide the taste by mixing it with honey or applesauce. One trick that the parents learned is to mix the vitamins in any fruit juices available.

If your child can swallow the pill already, you may need to look for ways to entice your child in taking the vitamins. At first, you will find it difficult to give the medication in this way.

You can actually give something for your child if they can complete this. Other ways includes offering to them sweet foods after the pill is consumed. The taste of the vitamins will be eliminated by this.

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