Costume Jewellery Always A Popular Accessory

By Sam Jones

Coco Channel introduced the concept of wearing cheap but bold and eye catching jewelry to accentuate an outfit and its lines. The idea was that once worn it would be discarded. Materials such as glass paste and other cheap materials were mostly used in the making. Destined to be discarded these pieces seldom contain gems or expensive metals. But they gripped the imagination of fashion followers and their popularity grew. Generations on people are still wearing costume jewellery from that era.

Original pieces dating before the Second World War have become items of value far exceeding anyone's wildest dreams. Any person owning pieces from that time can count themselves lucky to have these rare objects in their accessory drawer.

Often original designs have been the motivation behind many more modern pieces. There are also numerous replicas that were made of specific unusual items over the years. Materials utilized nowadays are often of a better quality and special handcrafted one-off pieces can be expensive. In the cheap range colored glass, nickel, gold plated metals, plastic and other materials are regularly used to make interesting pieces.

Originally the main object of costume jewelry was to draw attention to an ensemble. This is still a valid concept today. Large, elegant and stylish jewelry gives the wearer a flamboyant and chic look.

The advent of mass production radically changed their pricing and people now seem to acquire a special accessory for every outfit in their closet. Fortunately online shopping has opened up the world to people who have access to a computer. Countries from the four corners of the earth have incorporated their cultural designs with a resulting selection of unique and stunning costume jewelry.

The full gamut of costume jewellery from top to toe is on offer. From sunup to sundown any outfit can be enhanced and improved on by wearing one of these delightful items.

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