Are Chiropractic Adjustments Safe For Pregnant Patients? - Chiropractic in NYC

By Dr Steve Schram

When contemplating pregnancy, women primarily think of morning sickness as the hurdle they will have to overcome. Another common fear is that labor and delivery will not be as speedy as they would hope. However, few women realize how many benefits they can attain from seeking the help of a chiropractor during these several months. Because so few women are aware of the benefits of this care, many find themselves suffering through back pain and joint stiffness without seeking much needed respite from an experienced chiropractor. During the second and third trimester, woman inevitably begin to experience back and joint discomfort due to added localized weight.

Because women naturally gain weight and size, discomfort in the joints and back are common as women need to adjust their manner of standing, walking, and sitting. These common ailments can lead to insomnia, headaches, and other difficulties that can make what should be a rewarding time less enjoyable.

Pain in the back is primarily caused by the weight that is added due to the fetus which puts additional strain on the muscles in the back and abdomen. Due to the weight of the fetus and the consequent shift in the center of gravity, a woman naturally is required to change the way in which she walks as well as her posture. During this time, women also produce hormones that cause the joints to loosen. Because of this, misalignment of the vertebrae is all too common. Although these ailments are quite uncomfortable, they can be remedied relatively quickly and easily. Treatments of this nature not only help women during their 40 week gestation but also after their child is born when it comes to caring for, nursing, and carrying their infant.

Chiropractors undergo training to treat expectant. He guarantees that you will receive effective and safe treatments to help both you as well as your baby. Many chiropractors utilize the Webster technique which is a non-invasive procedure that works to relax the ligaments surrounding the uterus so as to make babies who are stuck in a breech position more likely to naturally turn their heads so as to make labor and delivery easier for the mother. This technique is both effective as well as comfortable for the mother.

Seeking the expertise and treatment from your chiropractor will help your body to overcome the natural aches and pains associated with added weight and size as well as prepare you for your life with your new child. Learning special strengthening exercises as well as asking your doctor for information regarding the prevention of vertebrae strain will help to ensure that you have a healthy labor and delivery. Receiving care from chiropractors will help to ease the strain that inevitably comes from weight gain and will keep you feeling your best throughout these 40 weeks.

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