Dog Tricks: Teaching the Trick "Beg"

By Dirk Gruenberg

Teaching our dogs tricks can be a lot of fun. However, not every trick can or should be performed by every dog. The "beg" trick, for example, will not be suited to larger breeds, as they find the begging position uncomfortable.

However, do not let this worry you. If he is not comfortable, he will not do it. It's that simple. If you would like to teach your dog how to beg, it can be achieved in as little as four days.

Day one: With your dog in the sitting position hold one of his favorite treats above his head. Once he begins to move upwards for the treat then let him have it immediately and praise him. Repeat the process several times for no more than 5 minutes total.

Day two: On the second day start to raise the treat slightly higher, ensuring that you do not raise it too high, as you want him to remain in the sitting position.

And, yet again, reward him when he reaches for the treat. Same as day one, simply give him the treat and praise him. Then repeat the exercise over and over again.

On the third day: Just like you did on day one and two, bring the treat up above his head. As he looks upward, wait a few seconds before you give him the treat.

His front paws should be sitting quite naturally in the begging position by now. Release the treat and praise. Repeat several times for no more than 10 minutes total.

Day number four: Now it is time to actually give the verbal command, too. Say "beg" right before you lift the treat up above his head. As usual, praise him when he does well and keep practicing.

And last but not least: Keep practicing once your dog has the trick down. Every other day will do to remind him of his trick. It will help him perform more reliably and he will enjoy it, too. What would be the ideal outcome is for your dog to perform the trick on command - even if he does not get a treat for it.

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